Authentic Leadership

Defining & living your personal leadership brand

In a world craving authenticity, discover how to lead from the heart, embrace your individuality, and make a lasting impact. Whether you're just starting your leadership journey or looking to refine your skills, this workshop is your roadmap to success.

Friday, July 12th

1:00pm - 4:00pm

600 S Tyler, Suite 2100
Amarillo, TX 79101

Register Now - only $99

“Before you can become an authentic leader, you have to know who you are. That's your true north: your most deeply held beliefs, your values, the principles you lead by, and what inspires you.” 

McKinsey & Company

You want to be seen as a great leader, you want to connect and inspire, you want to drive positive change in your culture, but...

Leading don't have too many great leadership models or mentors that you can consult / follow. have questions. You know what attributes you would like to see in a leader - would they be the same for everyone?

Team is hard to know and understand what employees want and what would inspire them to stay.

...there is pressure to retain talent and ensure that everyone feels like they are important.


...the past couple of years have been very challenging to build / maintain a positive team culture.

...turnover has taken it's toll on culture - even though you used to have a great one, now it feels more transactional.

We've all had decent leaders - and probably a bad one or two, but what does it take to become a GREAT leader?

Intentionality in purpose & focus

Great sports athletes don't become great without intense work and focus on their intended goals. To become a great leader, you will need to spend intentional time defining and growing in your leadership style.

Here is What We Will Cover

Discovering & defining the "whole" you

Using personal & professional life experiences to build your leadership story

Values Inventory

Taking stock in what values currently drive your behaviors, but more importantly - which behaviors do you want to be your focus moving forward.

Using Mentors & Sponsors

How may roles do you fill? How do you position yourself to make the most of those roles? Learn how to enroll the support of mentors and sponsors to position you for future growth.

Young boy pointing with crinkled nose

Tracking and driving change

To become someone different, you will need to do something different, but change is hard. How do you track and monitor the changes that you want to make?

A structured workshop that will move you through the process steps of identifying where you are now - and where you would like to see yourself in the future.

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You were not made to be someone else - you were made to be you. Identify your leadership values and strengths so that you can accelerate growth in those areas.

Icon on 3 teammates of business with shared corporate culture


In many ways, as a leader, you are defined by the culture of your team or organization. Culture is intentional. You need to define and work towards a shared culture.

icon with small group


You will not achieve all that you want to achieve without having strong support from sponsors and mentors. Who are they? Learn how to connect and engage their support.

Are you ready to confidently increase your influence & impact?

Friday, July 12th

1:00pm - 4:00pm

600 S Tyler, Suite 2100

Amarillo, TX 79101

Register Today

"Authentic leadership is revealed in the alignment of what you think, what you say, and what you do"

Michael Holland

Simple, Inspiring, Impactful

Our course content is designed to build upon your personal knowledge and understanding through practical application coupled with in-depth introspection & reflection. We will use your personal gifts and talents so that you can move forward with confidence and purpose.









You are a beautifully and wonderfully made child of God.

Your calling and gifts when combined with your personality

make you uniquely designed for a purpose.

The best day to start living more fully into your purpose is today.

Purpose Facilitator / Guide

image of Rory Sheppard in black & white


Rory brings over thirty-five years of remarkable leadership, business, and personal development experience (inside iconic Texas brands - Builders Square, AT&T, H-E-B, & Whataburger) to executives and business owners.

Rory has facilitated thousands of hours of personal development, process improvement, goal setting, and strategy sessions. Each time both he and the participants leave the training knowing more about themselves and how they can best impact those around them.

Are you ready?

Transform your life - impact your business, your family, and your personal success starting today.

Friday, July 12th

1:00pm - 4:00pm

600 S Tyler, Suite 2100

Amarillo, TX 79101

"Authentic leadership is leading adaptively from your core, choosing who you're most inspired to be to serve the greatest good in this moment."

Henna Inam

Get Measurable Results In 15 Minutes with one of our FREE E-Books.

image of ebook - Employee Retention Blueprint

We live in a ultra-competitive work environment where recruiting and hiring top talent is a challenge. 

One of the best ways to compete in this market is to retain your top talent longer - instead of living on the merry-go-round of recruiting-hiring-losing your best employees. 

Download Your ebook
ebook image of time management lessons - basketball

There are so many things that we can learn from watching sports teams and how
they manage themselves - not only during the game, but before and after as well.

  • preparation.
  • in-game execution.
  • focusing on and delivering.
  • using review of game film.
  • gratitude and celebration.